local MotiveMin = 95 -- How much motivation is needed to put worker on break local MotiveMax = 100 -- How much motivation is needed to put worker back to work local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Tycoons = workspace.Tycoons:GetChildren() local WorkerOptions = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.WorkerOptions if not getgenv().Connections then getgenv().Connections = {} print('Made connections') else for i, v in pairs(getgenv().Connections) do v:Disconnect() print('Disconnected') end getgenv().Connections = {} end function GetTycoon() local t, tt for i, v in pairs(workspace.Tycoons:GetChildren()) do if v.Player.Value == plr then t = v tt = true break else t = false tt = false end end return { t, tt } end local Tycoon print('Waiting for tycoon') while not Tycoon do local t = GetTycoon() if t[2] then Tycoon = t[1] end wait(0.1) -- Wait for a short interval before checking again end local Workers = Tycoon.Workers:GetChildren() for i, worker in pairs(Workers) do local MotiveVal = worker.Motivation table.insert(getgenv().Connections, MotiveVal.Changed:Connect(function() if MotiveVal.Value < MotiveMin then WorkerOptions:FireServer("PutOnBreak", worker.Name, true) elseif MotiveVal.Value >= MotiveMax then WorkerOptions:FireServer("PutOnBreak", worker.Name, false) end end)) end