local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zxciaz/VenyxUI/main/Reuploaded"))() local Venyx = Library.new("LSRS", 5013109572) if not Flags then getgenv().Flags = { Killaura = false, Distance = 10, AutoRebirth = false, AuraTarget = nil, AuraPrefix = nil, MinimumLevel = 1, TargetLevel = false, Teleport = false, AutoEquip = false, AutoUpgrade = { }, Popups = false, } end local ValidMobs = {"Any"} -- I use "Any" as the selection for attacking any mob local ValidPrefixes = {"Any"} -- Constants (figuratively; if these change, we're fucked.) local Mobs = workspace:WaitForChild("Mobs", 3) -- Oooo second argument in WaitForChild, what could it mean?? local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local PlayerGui = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui", 3) -- Janky ui shit because this jackass doesn't know what ResetOnSpawn is. local UI = PlayerGui:WaitForChild("UI", 3) local CS = UI and UI:WaitForChild("CS", 3) PlayerGui.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Child) if Child.Name == "UI" then UI = Child CS = Child:WaitForChild("CS", 3) end end) -- Stats (for rebirth, and level min.) local Leaderstats = Player:WaitForChild("leaderstats", 3) local Lvl = Leaderstats and Leaderstats:WaitForChild("Lvl", 3) local StatPoints = Player:WaitForChild("StatPoints", 3) for i, v in next, Mobs:GetChildren() do -- The game doesn't store the mobs in a place where we can read it, so we need to wait for the fuckers to spawn before we know they exist. local Name, Prefix = v.Name, nil if Name:find("%[") then -- THANKS REGEX I LOVE USING % Prefix = "[" .. Name:split("[")[2] -- Yeah I'm terrible at regex, how can you tell? end if not table.find(ValidMobs, Name) then table.insert(ValidMobs, Name) end if Prefix and not table.find(ValidPrefixes, Prefix) then table.insert(ValidPrefixes, Prefix) end end local Platform = Instance.new("Part") -- Fuck you roblox. Platform.Name = game:GetService("HttpService"):GenerateGUID(false) -- No detecty pwease :pleading: Platform.Size = Vector3.new(5, 1, 5) -- This platform only exists to prevent dying in the void Platform.Anchored = true -- We don't want our floor collapsing beneath our feet, do we? Platform.Transparency = 0.5 Platform.Parent = workspace -- UI Setup local Automation = Venyx:addPage("Automation") local Visuals = Venyx:addPage("Visuals") local UiMenu = Visuals:addSection("UI") -- Automation local AuraSection = Automation:addSection("Killaura") local TargetSection = Automation:addSection("Targets") local UpgradeSection = Automation:addSection("Upgrades") AuraSection:addToggle("Enabled", false, function(Value) Flags.Killaura = Value while game.RunService.Stepped:Wait() and Flags.Killaura do -- Better than putting this loop outside this function mmm yes. local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() -- Better than declaring it as a variable outside of this loop and updating it whenever the player spawns. local Tool, Damage = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool"), Character:WaitForChild("SwordDamage", 3) if not (Tool and Damage) then -- If you use pcall instead of this, you're schizophrenic. continue -- Return breaks the loop because god hates me. end if Flags.Teleport then Platform.CFrame = Character:GetPivot() * CFrame.new(0, -2.75, 0) -- Low enough to push us upwards and counter gravity. for i, v in next, Character:GetChildren() do if v:IsA("BasePart") then -- I love r15 parts being MESHPARTS I love it so much. v.CanCollide = false -- Thanks for removing that one humanoid state, roblox. end end else Platform.CFrame = CFrame.new() -- Don't want the platform to get in our way uwu end for i, v in next, Mobs:GetChildren() do if v:IsA("Model") then local Humanoid, Pivot = v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"), v:GetPivot() -- PrimaryPart.CFrame sucks, fuck you. local Settings = v:FindFirstChild("Settings") -- Lets not use waitforchild in a loop that goes through every mob in the game, alright? local Level = Settings and Settings:FindFirstChild("Lvl") if not Level or not Humanoid or Humanoid.Health <= 0 then -- Is the mob alive? What's the meaning of life? Is the mob really living if it's locked in place only to attack the player, with no sense of self, and trapped in an endless void of legos? Idk. continue end if Flags.AuraPrefix and not v.Name:find(Flags.AuraPrefix) then -- Does the mob have the prefix we're targeting? continue end if Flags.AuraTarget and v.Name ~= Flags.AuraTarget then -- Is the mob our target? continue end if Level.Value < Flags.MinimumLevel then -- Is the mob's level higher than our selected minimum? continue end if Flags.TargetLevel and Level.Value > Lvl.Value then -- Is the mob our level? "Pick on someone your own size" continue end if Flags.Teleport then Character:PivotTo(Pivot * CFrame.new(0, -5, 5)) -- Mob hitboxes extend behind them for whatever reason, so you need to be underneath them. end if (Pivot.Position - workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus.Position).Magnitude < 10 then -- Owner added a magnitude check to this event, so attacking anything farther than this is completely useless and dangerous. Damage:FireServer(Humanoid, Tool, 1, 1) -- I'm not changing these args, that sounds like a great way to get banned for being a retard. end end end end end) AuraSection:addSlider("Distance", 10, 0, 15, function(Value) Flags.Distance = Value end) AuraSection:addToggle("Teleport", false, function(Value) Flags.Teleport = Value end) Automation:addSection("Rebirth"):addToggle("Enabled", false, function(Value) Flags.AutoRebirth = Value end) Automation:addSection("Auto Equip"):addToggle("Enabled", false, function(Value) Flags.AutoEquip = Value while task.wait(1) and Flags.AutoEquip do -- I could do a childadded loop, but because the backpack resets when the character spawns, it would be extremely janky. local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid", 3) local Backpack = Player:WaitForChild("Backpack", 3) local BestTool = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") or Backpack:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") local BestDmg = BestTool and BestTool:FindFirstChild("Conf") and BestTool.Conf:FindFirstChild("MaxDmg") if not (BestDmg and Humanoid) then -- How don't we have any sword? Idfk, edge-case magic. continue end for i, v in next, Backpack:GetChildren() do local Conf = v:FindFirstChild("Conf") local MaxDmg = Conf and Conf:FindFirstChild("MaxDmg") if MaxDmg then if BestDmg.Value < MaxDmg.Value then -- If you've ever used a getclosestplayer function, you know how this works. BestTool = v BestDmg = MaxDmg end end end Humanoid:UnequipTools() -- You better not equip multiple tools at once. Humanoid:EquipTool(BestTool) end end) local AuraTargets = TargetSection:addDropdown("Mob To Target", ValidMobs, function(Value) Flags.AuraTarget = if Value == "Any" then nil else Value -- I promise you this isn't as complicated as it seems. https://stackoverflow.com/a/8957225 end) local AuraPrefix = TargetSection:addDropdown("Target Prefix", ValidPrefixes, function(Value) Flags.AuraPrefix = if Value == "Any" then nil else Value end) TargetSection:addTextbox("MinimumLevel", "1", function(Value) if tonumber(Value) then -- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Flags.MinimumLevel = tonumber(Value) end end) TargetSection:addToggle("Only Target Our Level", false, function(Value) Flags.TargetLevel = Value end) for i, v in next, Player:GetChildren() do -- Automatically makes upgrade toggles for every stat, in case any are added later in development. if v.Name:find("UP") then -- Check if it's a valid stat Flags.AutoUpgrade[v.Name] = false UpgradeSection:addToggle(v.Name, false, function(Value) Flags.AutoUpgrade[v.Name] = Value end) end end StatPoints:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value"):Connect(function() local Val = StatPoints.Value if Val > 0 and CS then for i = 1, Val do -- Server code is extremely slow so this is essentially as fast as a task.wait() otherwise. for i, v in next, Flags.AutoUpgrade do if v == true then CS:FireServer("add", Player:FindFirstChild(i), false) end end end end end) Flags.AuraPrefix = nil -- Venyx hates me, just like god. Flags.AuraTarget = nil Mobs.ChildAdded:Connect(function(v) -- Add new mobs to the mob table dynamically wow im so cool. local Name, Prefix = v.Name, nil if Name:find("%[") then Prefix = "[" .. Name:split("[")[2] end if not table.find(ValidMobs, Name) then table.insert(ValidMobs, Name) TargetSection:updateDropdown(AuraTargets, nil, ValidMobs, function(Value) Flags.AuraPrefix = if Value == "Any" then nil else Value end) end if Prefix and not table.find(ValidPrefixes, Prefix) then table.insert(ValidPrefixes, Prefix) TargetSection:updateDropdown(AuraPrefix, nil, ValidPrefixes, function(Value) Flags.AuraPrefix = if Value == "Any" then nil else Value end) end end) Lvl:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value"):Connect(function() -- Loops are lame. if Flags.AutoRebirth and Lvl.Value >= 300 and CS then -- Do you need a comment here? CS:FireServer("reb", Lvl) -- Why is it this remote?? Amazing server code. end end) UiMenu:addKeybind("Toggle Keybind", Enum.KeyCode.Delete, function() Venyx:toggle() end) UiMenu:addToggle("Disable Damage Popups", false, function(Value) Flags.Popups = Value end) PlayerGui.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Child) if Child.Name == "dmg" and Flags.Popups then game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Wait() Child:Destroy() end end) Venyx:SelectPage(Venyx.pages[1], true)